As bloggers and content creators, have you been searching for information on which country has the highest AdSense CPC? Or the high CPC country from 2021 to 2022? If the answer is yes, then you are on the best site that has relevant information. In this article, we shall list the Highest Paying CPC Countries For Google AdSense that you must know in 2022.
Google AdSense
Before we go further, it’s good that you understand what is Google AdSense. Google AdSense is an advertising program that enables website owners and publishers to place ads along with the content. Certainly, these advertisements are served, grouped, and maintained by the world’s best search engine, Google.
As a blogger, creative or content creator, you must know the best paying countries and their interest so you can create contents targeted at these countries.
Google Adsense only pays for ads that are clicked on by unique traffics from different sources or from unique impressions. If you decided to spam you traffic with fake traffic, remember that google has systems in place to check all these things and you might get banned for doing so.
A unique traffic is any traffic from a single unique IP address. (E.g) If you open ghparrot.com.gh to read any post, your IP is seen as a unique one and is recorded. Should you read the same article over and over again, its not recorded as a new one. In this case should ten different people read same article or story from ten different devices with different IPs or internet protocols, that will amount to ten (10) unique views or reads. This will then be converted by google as 10 different ad impressions.
Now that you have a little knowledge about this, let us dive straight into some of the highest paying CPC countries for google adsense that you must know.
Highest Paying CPC Countries For Google AdSense
Below we have listed the top 10 highest paying CPC countries that can help you earn. In creating contents, you can look at some of the needs of these countries and create contents targeted at them including your own country to help you gain some free genuine organic traffic.
Top 10 Highest Paying CPC Countries 2022(AdSense)
- Canada. It’s the country with the highest Google AdSense CPC from 2021 to 2022.
- Australia. It’s the second high CPC country in the world in 2021/2022.
- Germany.
- The United Kingdom.
- The Marshall Islands.
- The United States.
- The United Arab Emirates.
- Luxembourg.
- New Zealand.
- South Africa. And finally,
- Norway.
To conclude, we will like to also let you know that this list keeps alternating between fellow countries and we keep on reviewing so that we can serve you better the moment the list changes. For now, these countries are good CPC countries you should look at.
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